I SO did not want to run today. I was tired, it was getting cold and cloudy out.
My knees hurt a bit from squats and lunges yesterday.
Wouldn't the smart thing be to let my knees rest so I don't injure them?
Instead, I went to REI to buy new headphones since mine broke. And since I had my dividend
money, I also bought a new pair of socks (I LOVE new socks!!!) and a shirt that plainly says "RUN" on it--how can you deny that?
I went home, collected my running partner, and we headed to our trail.
Inner Critic--0
First thing I thought when I saw the field? It is friggin cold out here and I am not dressed for it.
Give up? Nah.
I just changed into a long sleeve shirt my husband left in the car (don't tell him though).
Score 2 for me.
I started running and my first thought was--keep a slow pace (usually this thought doesn't creep in until around half a mile, so I was already doing good). And you know what? It worked! I finished my first
mile pretty dang slow compared to my usual off the block speed and it felt great!
Ya know what else felt great? My knees. I was trying out a new 3:2 breathing technique (breathe in for 3 steps and out for 2). The point of it is to alternate which foot you land on when you begin exhaling
because that is when your core is weakest and therefore puts the most strain on your knees. If you constantly land on one knee like that, it puts that knee at a disadvantage.
They didn't start bothering me until after mile 3 (usually it hits before mile 2).
Did someone say "progress"?
Cuz I freaking lept for joy!
All this equaled a pretty easy and enjoyable run (yes, I said EASY!).
Last week, 3.5 was a hurdle. This week, it was a piece of cake all because of training, some simple breathing adjustments and determination.
I used to run because I wanted to be "a runner". Because I wanted to lose weight. Now, I run because I enjoy it and I want results, baby!