Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy graduation! And now for some food

Well, yesterday I met with my PT and after some awkward bending and stretching (seriously? Bend over in front of you as far as possible while you sit at butt-level and watch?) I was given the all-clear to resume running and exercise as usual. HOLLA! But, quite possibly the best part was the awesome graduation cup they gave me. I love me some water bottles and cups.

And, because I've recently discovered them and LOVE them, I have to give a shout-out to popchips. De-licious! And for one bag (.8 oz) it is only 2 points plus! If you don't do Weight Watchers, that is amazing! The same size serving of regular chips is double--or more than--that. A dinky granola bar like Chewy is about 3 points plus. Basically, you're getting a heck of a deal for very little points. And points are like cash--you're placed on a daily budget and don't want to go over. Cuz then you get fat (or at least I do).

And while we are on the topic of food, a great idea I picked up from a colleague: When you eat out at a fast food restaurant or take left overs home, save the salad container and re-use it. They're obviously not dishwasher safe, but they are awfully convenient and easy to clean by hand. The container pictured here is from Wendy's (their apple walnut salad is absolutely yummy and only 9 points plus) and has my lunch for the day--turkey, spinach and reduced sugar craisins salad with ginger dressing. Mmmmmm Mmmmmmmm!

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