Friday, March 1, 2013

Rest day, Schmest day

So, today was supposed to be my rest day, but it's hard for me to stop and rest when I've just gotten back in the game. I know rest days are important, and I don't recommend skipping them, so I thought...ok, I WILL listen to Hal Higdon and I WILL rest today.  And then I rationalized--It's a rest day for my legs, so why not do some upper body work? Plus, yesterday I bought a couple of new toys at the store.  Why spend the money if I'm not going to use them, right?

Meet my new kettle bell:

Felicia introduced me to kettle bells at the gym, but doing them by myself in front of everyone is a little strange for me.  I didn't want that to effect my progress, so I got one to use at home.  It was $32 at Sports Authority (on sale) and, if you can't tell, it's PINK! I'm not necessarily a huge pink fan, but I do like a little variety. I knew some limited kettle bell moves, so I looked online to expand my horizons and found this workout from Women's Health.
There are 8 moves and you go through them once, take a short break, and go through them again (2-3 times).  I set a stopwatch and did each move for a minute.  For the sets that used only one arm, I did my right arm the first time through and my left arm the second time through.  It was a short 16-minute workout, but I was sweating and feeling it by the second time around! It hits several major muscle groups (arms, legs, abs, back....guess I didn't rest my legs, but I was very gently on them) and was diverse enough to keep me interested. I will be incorporating that into my weekly routine for sure!

This is a Tiger Tail (Made in the USA!!!) and works wonders! I borrowed Felicia's for awhile but just had to get my own.  It has a foam roller between two handles and you just roll it across sore muscles (legs, back) for instant, magical relief! I use it mostly on my IT band (up the outside of my thigh and hip) which is where my PT was focused and where I am usually the most sore after running. I also got this at Sports Authority and it was $30.

I have a long run this weekend (long meaning 4 miles) and I think I am psyching myself out with the word "long".  Trying to have positive self-talk and to pump myself up for it.  I am excited though--it's fun to push my body and mind and see how much I really am capable of.

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