Friday, March 8, 2013

Excuse me, I have excuses to make

Well, it's been a few days since I posted.  Mostly because I haven't done anything blog-worthy.  Yes, I've ran, but not with gusto (excuse).   I tell myself, at least I get out there and do something when I REALLY  don't want to...but when I don't want to do something, it's hard to give it my all (excuse).  And when I don't give it my all, I feel frumpy.
I had a case of the allergies this week (excuse) which made me all congested and tired so I switched my rest day from Friday to Wednesday.  And today my knee was hurting ('s been doing that a little the last couple of days but usually goes away...I've been debating: call the PT? Take a break even though I just got started again? Stretch through it?) so I decided, since it was a short "two-mile or cross train day" (excuse) it was an okay one to skip and let my knee rest.  I have to remind myself that it's ok to feel tired sometimes and rest--running isn't about pushing yourself until you're injured or sick or burnt out.  It's about pushing yourself to improvement and sometimes in order to get there, you have to rest up a bit.

This quote got me this week.  It makes me think, one foot in front of the other; give it my best, even if this week my best is a really slow 3 miles because I'm out there doing more than I want to do, more than I was doing just a minute ago and because in giving it my best today means maybe tomorrow my best can be a really comfortable and evenly paced 4 miles.

Tomorrow I am doing my long run (another 4-miler) and am actually pretty excited for it. The weather is supposed to be a balmy 50 degrees and I am well-rested and ready for it.  I'll let you know how it goes, but in the meantime, here's a picture of my pup and I (and his tongue).  He is an absolutely wonderful running partner who helped me push through my 3 miles yesterday.  It's hard not to enjoy running when he loves it so much.

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