Thursday, March 21, 2013

Run as fast as you can

Did my 3.5 today. Started out with beautiful blue skies, if a bit windy.
by the time I got to the end and was doing my cool down walk?
I was in the middle of a snow storm! Like full blown swirls of snow coming down sideways and pelting my face cuz the wind was blowing so hard. 
I put Mac on his leashed and BOOKED IT back to the car which was still
.7 miles away.  So much for a cool down.
It's hard to see, but it WAS snowing.  And the hazy look to the hills back there? Yup, you guessed it: snow.
So, I got in my car, proud of myself for pushing through my run and not walking up the hill
(yes, that means I all the way up the sandy thing) but not feeling
overall good about what I just did.  Until I checked my stats and I had 
a faster per mile pace than any of my other runs thus far.  BOOYAH!
Proof that even if I don't always feel like it, I am making progress and this running
business is paying off.

Now it's out to dinner with the hubs.

But first, some Mac pics:

Always after our runs he hangs his head through
the seats and DROOLS on everything up front.
I think it's his way of saying "thanks".

He loves car rides.  Especially when they lead to runs.

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