Monday, March 18, 2013


Today was a stretch and strength day on my workout schedule so I decided to do a little home gym workout.  I want to focus a bit more on my arms (since there isn't much focus on the arms when running) so I came up with this little circuit:

It took me about 9 minutes to run through it once (I did it twice) and you can substitute a dumbbell for the kettle bell--I did for a couple of them because my arms are wEaK! I also included side steps with a resistance band as part of my ongoing physical therapy.

My cute little home gym set up. I'm hoping to add a step and jump rope to it, as well as setting up my bike trainer to supplement my running cardio.

I took a couple of pics of my arms so I can have a comparison and I also took some body measurements the other day to document my progress. Once I have my new and improved arms I will post before and after pics here.

I am trying to focus on specific, attainable goals.  Besides following my training schedule and getting ready for the half in May, I want to focus on a specific part of my body 
and have a goal in mind when working out (thus, the arms bit above).  
Also, and I am putting this in print so it's out there....
drum roll.....
I am giving up soda. WHAT?!
I LOVE my diet soda. I don't just drink it whenever, 
but with most meals I want a diet to go with it. And if we are eating out?
Keep the refills coming, baby! But, no more.
I am really enjoying the liquid drink mixes (Crystal Light and Mio)--they taste yummy, you control
how much flavor to add and they are portable. Plus, diet sodas are just plain bad for you!
Check out this info here.

Working on amping up my motivation for workouts--Running, no problem.  But weights and other supplemental cross trainings? Most of the time, I just don't feel it.  But, no one else is going to do it for me, so the pressure is on.

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